To get a random number in the range 0 .. (2<<32)-1:
my $rand = int(rand(0x100000000));
To print it in hex with leading zeroes:
printf "%08x", $rand;
Do please note this from the Perl man page:
Note: If your rand function consistently returns numbers that
are too large or too small, then your version of Perl was probably compiled with the wrong number of RANDBITS
If that's a concern, do this instead:
printf "%04x%04x", int(rand(0x10000)), int(rand(0x10000));
Note, also, that this does nothing to prevent repetition, although to be honest the chance of a repeating 32 bit number in a 100 number sequence is pretty small.
If it's absolutely essential that you don't repeat, do something like this:
my (%a); # create a hash table for remembering values
foreach (0 .. 99) {
my $r;
do {
$r = int(rand(0x100000000));
} until (!exists($a{$r})); # loop until the value is not found
printf "%08x\n", $r; # print the value
$a{$r}++; # remember that we saw it!
For what it's worth, this algorithm shouldn't be used if the range of possible values is less than (or even near to) the number of values required. That's because the random number generator loop will just repeatedly pull out numbers that were already seen.
However in this case where the possible range is so high (2^32) and the number of values wanted so low it'll work perfectly. Indeed with a range this high it's about the only practical algorithm.