



Hi, how can I get Compiler Error Message if a have pageUrl.

I'm tried using HttpWebRequest class, but haven't get result yet.

Problem that, i have collection of pages, than must execute automatically. and if page fails, create log.

alt text

thank you


You can write a program to visit the pages, if the response of the request is a HTTP error than you can investigate further.

If you do not want to write your own program to detect errors originating from HTTP requests, you can use a testing framework like selenium.

Hassan Syed
so, how can I know if page fails or not? not http errors.
if i can't get compiler, how i can know one thing - page fail or not with .net?
edited my post, remember to accept answer and vote post if it solves your problem.
Hassan Syed

Disclaimer: I do very little with ASP.NET type stuff.

ELMAH might help you a bit. It's an error logger for ASP.NET projects.

R. Bemrose
+1  A: 
string pagetext = (new System.Net.WebClient()).DownLoadString(<url>);

//Add a better control here
if(pagetext.Contains("Server Error"))
     `enter code here`
+1  A: 

You can catch all application errors in application global class (global.asax) in Application_Error handler.

Other way. You can catch exceptions in custom error module as well, just register you module in <httpModules> section and implement following function there:

void context_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)sender;
        HttpContext context = application.Context;

        Exception ex = context.Server.GetLastError();
        //... here goes some code

Thus you have to ways to catch any error. Other task is to request all pages. As I can see from your post, you've already have such solution.

You're right, but my logApplication is Service, WinApplication. I can't implement global.asax
Where do you want to catch exceptions? In remote win application that pokes web server or on web server itself?

Where are you trying to catch these exceptions? In your website, or in an external application that is crawling a site?

In an external application, using an HttpWebRequest you'd do something like this:

string urlToTry = "";

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlToTry);

  HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

  // Process your success response.
catch (WebException we)
  HttpWebResponse error = (HttpWebResponse)we.Response;

  // If you want to log multiple codes, prefer a switch statement.
  if (error.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
    // This is your 500 internal server error, perform logging.

The WebException class will give you messages like:

The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

Once you cast them to an HttpWebResponse, you can get at the StatusCode and perform whatever logging you require.

Zhaph - Ben Duguid
I thinks, you solve another problem, not mine
Well, you mentioned using the HttpWebRequest, and your question is a bit vague on *where* you are trying to log these errors - when you call the page from somewhere else with an HttpWebRequest, or on the server when a page is requested?
Zhaph - Ben Duguid