



Hi all,

I have a ViewModel with a boolean MultipleSelections property and a DataView FoundData property. My view contains an Infragistics XamDataGrid bound to the FoundData property and SelectionTypeRecord is set to Extended (or it is not set and defaults to Extended).

I want to be able to change the SelectionTypeRecord to Single when my ViewModel's MultipleSelections property is set to false.

So far, I've tried using a direct binding:

SelectionTypeRecord="{Binding Path=MultipleSelections, Converter={StaticResource MyMultipleSelectionConverter}}"

And also a style:

                    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:FieldLayoutSettings}">
                            <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding MultipleSelections}" Value="False">
                                <Setter Property="SelectionTypeRecord" Value="Single" />

Neither of these seem to work and the Infragistics forums haven't been helpful. Any ideas warmly appreciated.