
Dynamically Adding Columns to a Databound XamDataGrid

Hello All, One approach I've tried to solve my problem of needing to be able to dynamically add columns to a databound xamDataGrid is to bind to a .NET DataTable. At startup, I hard-code some data into the DataTable. Then I provide a button which, when clicked, is supposed to add a new column and put random numbers in the new column. I ...

XamDataGrid Treeview Copy

Hello, I have two XamDataGrids setup as treeviews. I am dragging and dropping from one to the other. I am only allowing one to have records deleted. But when you delete a record from one, it gets deleted from the other. I have tryed to clone the object, but I cannot find any method of doing so through out the datagrid's members. ...

Value Converter Problems with Infragistics 9.2 XamDataGrid

Hello All, I am having a value converter problem with the Infragistics 9.2 XamDataGrid. Please consider the following code: public class ToolTipFromThreatTypeConverter : IValueConverter { public object Convert( object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.Cult...

xamDataGrid and Combobox (how to access cbx?)

Hello Experts, I am using a xamDataGrid (Infragistics), one Column has to contain a combobox. The items in the combobox are computed, based on the data entered in teh cells before. How can I access the combox in the ActiveRow ? Thats the XAML: ...

Changing XamDataGrid selection strategies in the ViewModel

Hi all, I have a ViewModel with a boolean MultipleSelections property and a DataView FoundData property. My view contains an Infragistics XamDataGrid bound to the FoundData property and SelectionTypeRecord is set to Extended (or it is not set and defaults to Extended). I want to be able to change the SelectionTypeRecord to Single when ...

What is causing the error 'Must specifiy both property and value for setter'?

I have a style which toggles the visibility of an image depending on an underlying DataContext property. Unfortunately I keep getting an error: 'Must specify both property and value for setter' The XAML looks like <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:LabelPresenter}" x:Key="BuySellLabelStyle"> <Setter Property="Template"> ...

Expanding child records above, rather than below, the parent in a TreeView or grouped XamDataGrid

I have an Infragistics XamDataGrid showing records grouped by department. When I click on an expansion indicator next to a department name, the grid shows me all records with that department as a subgrid BELOW the group name. I would like to display the subgrid ABOVE the group name. I realize this may involve some pretty serious re-temp...

DynamicResource and Dynamic Items in ContextMenu on XamDataGrid

I would like to dynamically create a set of context menu options based upon some properties. Currently, I am creating a context menu as a DynamicResource with the visibility of the menu options bound to the properties, however, it seems that the DynamicResource is created only once, at runtime. Is this true? What I would like to do ...

Using MVVM, how to pass SelectedItems of a XamDataGrid as parameter to the Command raised by the ContextMenu??

Hi, I'm trying to pass the item on XamDataGrid on which I do a mouse right click to open a ContextMenu, which raises a Command in my ViewModel. Somehow the method that the Command calls is not reachable in debug mode. This is the snipped from the view <ig:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding DrdResults}" Height="700" Width="600"> ...

XamDataGrid Collection Column

Is there a way to bind to a collection column in a XamDataGrid DataSource? What i am trying to do is to show all the items of the specific column collection in a single grid field. (using the appropriate templates). Hope it makes sense to you all. Let me know if you need me to clarify things a little bit more. ...

ObjectDataProvider in MVVM not neccessary?

Hello, I have created a simple MVVM, with only three classes CashFlowView, CashFlowViewModel, CashFlowModel. I use an infragistic's 9.1 XamDataPresenter (or xamDataGrid). <igDP:XamDataPresenter Name="xamDataPresenter1" DataSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource CashFlowData}}"> <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="CashFlowData" Obje...

DataTriggers firing when virtualized contaniers come back into view

I have a xamdatagrid which has a large number of rows. These rows are being virtualized by the xamdatagrid (in a "recycle" mode). My problem is that the data triggers which are associated with these rows seem to be firing when the rows come back into view. Has anyone else experienced this before? IS there some way of detecting a row ...

MVVM - How to create columns at runtime for a xamdatagrid?

I have to create a XamDataGrid that shows a dynamic amount of columns for a time frame x to y. Therefore I dont know how many years a user would select to have these columns created upfront. Now usualy within MVVM you would just populate the data through as many Properties as you would need Columns within your XamDataGrid and the latter...

xamdatagrid, blend interaction triggers and control template with MVVM pattern

Hi, i have problem with control template of infragistics xamdatagid in using with blend interaction triggers. Template is adding delete button style and edit button style for each row of xamdatagrid. When i am trying to set interaction trigger on event (MouseLeftButtonDown) and bind it to my command property in corresponding ViewModel, s...

xamdatagrid and observable collection refresh

Hi, i have simple master detail in wpf with listbox filled in with Order object and Xamdatagrid with OrderDetail. Listbox`s Itemsource is bound to the ObservableCollection defined in ViewModel. Xamdatagrid is also bound to the observablecollection defined in datagrid. If user click Order in the listbox i want to fill xamdatagrid with Ord...

How to add a new record to database from XamDataGrid

Hi, I am using a XamDataGrid to populate say books. I want to ADD/EDIT/DELETE books from XamDataGrid and the change should reflect in the database. i.e. when I edit the record in XamDataGrid changes should be stored in the database similarly for Add and Delete. Can anyone please give me sample code or explanation how to achieve this? I...