
How to create a graphical user interface mock-up for research?

I am a student and interested in doing some research on user interface. For some experiments, I have to change the behaviors of many default interactions in an operating system such as double-click or drag-and-drop in Windows (to make it faster, more efficient, etc.) The best way is to change the behaviors of these interactions in an o...

How can I post a Cocoa "sheet" on another program's window?

Using the Apple OS X Cocoa framework, how can I post a sheet (slide-down modal dialog) on the window of another process? Edit: Clarified a bit: My application is a Finder extension to do Subversion version control ( Part of my application is a plug-in (a Contextual Menu Item for Finder); the bulk of my app...

what is the best strategy to retrieve form data? client ajax / server

Recently I introduced to Ajax base form including the use of jTemplates to guarantee some repeat .. and other jQuery great library. But for now I'm a little confused. With the form - user interaction I use Ajax call and deal with pure HTML markup. So if I want to bind form data on load I need to do that with the Ajax way by jQuery/JS....

flash interaction with javascript internet explorer

I have a flash object interacting with a javascript function. The interaction works fine in every browser except in IE (all versions) I have tried with swfobject and with classic embeding. AllowScriptAccess is set to "always". Is there any cause for this flaw ? Thanks ...

Is there chemistry in you development team?

I've had two intership at the same company and one things that bothered me is the fact that everyone was in their own world doing their stuff and listening to music. I knew I would not want to work there after I graduate even though they would offer me a job if i'm interested. I just didn't like the atmosphere, I like to interact with pe...

great first run experience

Hi, Does anyone have good examples of software that has a fantastic first run experience? Some software obviously just works "out of the box". However, there is significant software that requires some configuration before it's usable. Any examples would be much appreciated. Cheers, Yi ...

Multi-touch design and interaction pattern, do you have any link ?

Hi, I develop a collaborative business application on a multi-touch device like Microsoft Surface. However to my mind every collaborative application on a multi-touch device was made to share photos, to draw, to play, or for one person at time. So, I have no reference and I'm having a hard time to imagine how multiple users can work on ...

How to make two python programs interact?

I have a HTTP sever in one program and my basic application in another one. Both of them are loops, so I have no idea how to: Write a script that would start the app and then the HTTP server; Make these programs exchange data in operation. How are these things usually done? I would really appriciate Python solutions because my script...

Interact with other desktop-applications in windows using C# winforms

I was wondering if its possible to interact with other programs someone with my program. For example clicking a button on another program etc. etc. I'm not sure if this is even possible but if it is could someone provide a little sample code in C#. Thanks ...

How to Interact with a program using WSH -Jscript

I am trying to click a button on an application in the systray using WSH. Is this possible? Could somebody provide an example written in Jscript please? THANKS ...

Interfacing Eclipse Workbench UI with GNU debugger functions

Hello, I want to know how the Eclipse Workbench UI communicates with the GNU debugger. What I mean is in the Eclipse for C/C++, when we press the step over or resume or continue buttons in the menu, what happens behind the scenes? As in how is the GNU gdb invoked? How does gdb know which function to execute? How does the UI communicate ...

Opengl Selection Buffer

Hi, I'm using opengl's selection buffer, but i'm experiencing a trouble, the "picking" works perfectly if you hit the element for the first time, but the second time you hit it, it won't get selected, instead the element selected is an arbitrary one on the model. Any hints on this? Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? ...

Exchanging data between xaml and aspx

Hi, I have a solution with MVC web application, WCF web service and Silverlight. MVC starts Silverlight and Silverlight gets the parameters using web service. Now I have to pass a variable from Silverlight to MVC (not with get/post). How can I do that? Thanks ...

Interaction between DLLs

Hello everyone, I have a DLL, say A, which implements general algorithms to solve mathematical equations. I have another DLL, say B, which implements mathematical equations DLL B uses DLL A in order to solve it’s equations but DLL B must be able to execute a given equation from DLL A (DLL A implements some numerical, proximity methods a...

MasterPage and UserControl Interaction

I have a situation where I need to update a control referenced in a masterpage from a control that is referenced from the content page. Below is hierarhcy: MainMasterPage BreadCrumbUserControl(a user control) - has a public string property ContentPage(uses MainMasterPage) DataUserControl I want to be able to upda...

Read data from Java and show it in Flex

Hello folks, well i am a little confused about the use of Flex and java, this is my problem: My java application must read two .zip files from an online server. These classes will load and parse the data in a Thread and perform certain actions depending on such info. The problem occurs when my flex application calls the java method that ...

Keyboard and mouse interaction on Linux

I use Linux because it is a superior development environment to Windows. However I recently came across a Windows library called AHK that gives me great control to interact with applications. Is there an equivalent in the Linux world? ...

UITableView: user interaction with section's footer

Hi, For one of UITableView sections I have put a view with a UIDatePicker into it's footer (using tableview:viewForFooterInSection:). The problem is that UIDatePicker receives only single touch events (tapping) and doesn't receive scroll events, so I am unable to set appropriate time inside it. Instead of scrolling UIDatePicker's hours ...

iPhone interaction between PC app and iPhone app using USB

Hi, I know since the 3.0 SDK we can use accessories, so my question is simple, what is the process to make an iPhone app and PC (or Mac) app interact, using the USB ? I don't ask you any code, but just the paths and the keys for making that work. Have I to access the iPhone disk through SSH and work with files ? Or can I send data fro...

Not responding window

My code calls a Web service method which takes a few minutes to perform the operation. During that time my window becomes non responsive and it shows a complete white screen. I don't want to the call method from a different thread. It it the best way to handle it? Environment: C#, web service ...