I have three tree view controls which house different (but mostly similar data), as a result the actions that can be taken at each level is the same as far as the user is concerned, but different in their type (which is something I have to worry about as the developer). What I would like to do is reuse this context menu and pass in a type to it (or be able to retrieve it) and then the type would get passed through to the actual Executed function.
So that we can have a common verbage here's some code:
<UserControl x:Class="ucControl"
<ContextMenu x:Key="GroupMenu">
<MenuItem Header="Add Group" Command="New"/>
<MenuItem Header="Rename Group" Command="local:CustomCommands.RenameGroup"/>
<MenuItem Header="Delete Group" Command="Delete"/>
<MenuItem Header="Change Contents of Group" Command="local:CustomCommands.EditGroupContents"/>
<CommandBinding CanExecute="CanAddGroup" Command="New" Executed="AddGroup"/>
<CommandBinding Command="local:CustomCommands.RenameGroup" CanExecute="CanRename" Executed="RenameGroup"/>
<CommandBinding Command="local:CustomCommands.EditGroupContents" CanExecute="CanEditGroupContents" Executed="EditGroupContents"/>
<TabControl Name="tcTabs">
<TabItem Header="Size" Name="tiSize">
<TreeView Name="tvSizeGroup" ContextMenu="{StaticResource GroupMenu}"/>
<TabItem Header="Brand" Name="tiBrand">
<TreeView Name="tvBrandGroup" ContextMenu="{StaticResource GroupMenu}"/>
<TabItem Header="Color" Name="tiColor">
<TreeView Name="tvColorGroup" ContextMenu="{StaticResource GroupMenu}"/>
In this example, I would like for each of Size, Brand, and Color to have the same ContextMenu, but if the Context Menu is pulled up in the Size TreeView, I will need to add a group of type Size to my table. Is this possible the way I am doing it? I am trying to avoid making three ContextMenus, which would obviously be a way to do this.