




I have some years experience with swing and feel comfortable that I understand the architecture.

Now I need to get up to speed on SWT rather quickly.

What would you recommend I study from online sources or books so I can get my head around the SWT architecture quickly ? I'm really starting from scratch.

+6  A: 

SWT Snippets. That's pretty much all you need to get started. There are some papers on SWT at as well. A lot is pretty similar to Swing so you will be up to speed in no time.

Francis Upton
Cool bananas, when I woke up I kicked myself for asking such a dumb question. I might need an SO filter option like : do not allow this idjit to post questions before midday.
Steve De Caux
No worries, the easy ones help to build rep; enjoy your SWT. You will love it after Swing.
Francis Upton
+1  A: 

I notice that the Eclipse Visual Editor is being worked on again. This is a useful learning tool, even if you don't want to use it to develop your GUIs because of the way it translates WYSIWYG -> code and code -> WYSIWYG (within certain limitations, of course - it isn't magic). Useful for seeing the relationship between the code and the results.

Yes, I had a look at it last week - and realised I had to know what the heck was under the covers if it was going to be any use to me !
Steve De Caux

Have you ever tried swtxml plugin for eclipse? I find it (even with its faults) a small sweet tool. Lets you design your Composites and so on using xml.

+1  A: 

The pdf's from this site are very good:

Also there are some snippets on (similar to those from the eclipse site)

If you used swing and now you want to start with SWT, this book shows you the differences: SWT Eye for the Swing Guy

True Soft
Thx dude, found the Manitoba site this am from the Eclipse site.
Steve De Caux
+2  A: 

Don't forget to use utils like GridLayoutFactory and GridDataFactory from JFace. They really reduce swt interface developement time.
