I have a requirement. I have been given the following table
DownLineid UplineId Name DirectResources
1 2 Sarvesh 7
2 NULL Admin 5
3 2 Lonesh 10
4 2 Swapna 2
5 2 Priyanka 12
8 2 Sumi 1
6 5 Deepak 10
7 5 Agnijita 6
9 5 Me 1
The scenario is UplineId means the Top Managers and the Downlines means the Managers working under the Upliners.
My task is to find out the total resources for the Upliners . The desired output is
UplineId DownLineid Name DirectResources TotalResources
NULL 2 Admin 5 54
2 3 Lonesh 10 null
2 5 Priyanka 12 17
5 7 Agnijita 6 null
5 6 Deepak 10 null
5 9 Me 1 null
2 1 Sarvesh 7 null
2 8 Sumi 1 null
2 4 Swapna 2 null
Actually , Admin is the top and is having all the resources . so the total count of all the resources is 54.
Agnijita,Deepak and Me is under Priyanka and henceforth the count is 17(6+10+1).
For all other there is no downliners henceforth it is null over there.
My attempt so far is
declare @t table(DownLineid int,UplineId int,Name varchar(10),DirectResources int)
insert into @t
select 1,2,'Sarvesh',7 union all select 2,Null,'Admin',5 union all
select 3,2,'Lonesh',10 union all select 4,2,'Swapna',2 union all
select 5,2,'Priyanka',12 union all select 8,2,'Sumi',1 union all
select 6,5,'Deepak',10 union all select 7,5,'Agnijita',6 union all
select 9,5,'Me',1
select * from @t
;with cte AS
CAST(e.Name AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS [Path]
,0 AS [Level]
,e.DirectResources FROM @t e WHERE e.UplineId IS NULL
SELECT CAST(c.[Path] + '/' + e.Name AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS [Path]
, c.[Level]+1 AS [Level]
FROM @t e
JOIN cte c ON e.UplineId = c.DownLineid
, REPLICATE(' ', [Level]) + Name as [Name]
FROM cte
I am struggling to find the total resources. I am using SQL Server 2005.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.