



I would like to make a database call in a partial view in MVC. I am not sure how to actually go about that. I am trying to get an instance of the repository so I can make a couple calls to the DB to build some info on the page. Not sure if I am even close but does anyone have any ideas ?

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>

    if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
        var repos = MyMVC.Models.Repository.IRepository<UserProfile>();

+4  A: 

You're attempting to violate the principals of the Model-View-Controller architecture.

The proper way to implement this would be to make a Partial View and allow your Controller to get the data...then pass it to the Partial View for rendering.

Justin Niessner
Yes, I'm sorry I meant a partial view.
Even so, a Partial View should not have data retreival logic in it. A View (even a partial) should only be responsible for rendering the data given to it.
Justin Niessner

Try using MvcContrib. Check out the RenderAction method. It lets you keep the data access in the controller, and the view stuff in the view, without mixing the responsibilities.

<div id="some-partial-container">
    <% Html.RenderAction<MyController>(c => c.SomeAction()); %>

Also, RenderAction will be in MVC 2, which makes me very happy. It won't support a generic implementation, though (when I last checked).

<div id="some-partial-container">
    <% Html.RenderAction("SomeAction", "MyController"); %>

Phil Haack on RenderAction:

Jarrett Meyer