I have a question in regards to the code below. The code I have below successfully runs through a directory, and sets the resoultion of the picture to a smaller size. However, the file size is not changed. For example, an image with dimensions of 2400x1800 with file size of 1.5MB will be scaled to 800x600, but the 800x600 picture will still be 1.5MB file size. I'm think I may have to explicitly compress the picture, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] files = null;
int count = 0;
files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\..\..\ChristmasPicsResized");
foreach (string file in files)
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = System.Drawing.Bipmap.FromFile(file);
ResizeBitmap(bmp, 807, 605).Save(
@"C:\users\..\..\TempPicHold\Pic" + count.ToString() + ".jpg");
public Bitmap ResizeBitmap(Bitmap b, int nWidth, int nHeight)
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(nWidth, nHeight);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage((Image)result))
g.DrawImage(b, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight);
return result;