I have the following xpath statement in a selenium test:
It gets what I want but my tests are painfully slow in IE6. Anyone know how I would do the same selector as CSS selectors? I think I understand how to do each of these with exception to the text()="IPODate" part.
As requested here is an example of the table I am trying to select from:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" id="tblResearchItems" class="coolTable SingleItem">
.... many many rows
<input type="button" value="A" onclick="sA('secm.Company', 'IPODate', 299)" class="RButton NarrowButton2 A Show_N"/>
<td class="TCN">
<span class="CN">IPODate</span><f/>
<td class="TCV VerticalAlign">
<input type="text" value="" onfocus="stLT(); hideLB(true)" onblur="mustBeDate($(this));" class="UpUI_Y date NDD hasDatepicker" id="dp1260909771780"/>
<img class="ui-datepicker-trigger" src="../images/calendar.gif" alt="..." title="..."/> <div/>
...many many more rows...
in this example only one row has the IPODate cell.