Right now I'm working on PHP. I am using the Doctrine ORM and the jQuery JavaScript library. In my second project I used the Zend Framework. What are the various things I should learn to make a better site?
What are the various things to keep in mind or what are the various new things I should learn? Right now being I fresher we keep in mind about the for loops, minimum queries to database, less Ajax requests etc etc. Means these are the college tips we should keep in mind.
Yes, I agree with you, I am keeping all these things in my mind. Use classes, learn from mistake, etc., etc. You are not getting my question. I know experience matters and I am learning things. No doubt about it. But what I am asking is to increase the scope, meaning it's like there is small boy who know to add two numbers which doesn't include any carry forward like 23 + 34, 45 + 24, etc.
But as he doesn't know about the carry forward logic like 89+78. He can't increase his scope (scope of thinking level). That is what I'm asking here. What are classes, objects, functions and design patterns? This is what we have learned from our college level studies. We are using all those logics here in our office. But what's next?
How to increase the scope of our thinking level? What's the next step? How is Flickr handling so many hits per second? Machine learning, this is a keyword I got from somewhere. I think you can understand what I want to ask. Something like this.