




having a heck of a time with getting this formatting correct so any ideas would be appreciated. we have a bunch of information pertaining to foos that we want to keep grouped together. So if we had a bunch of foos listed next to each other, if that element causes the foos to wrap, the entire foo would stay together. Also the formatting should look like: So the text is to the left and the numbers are to the right.

|[icon] Brad (human)              [pic] (2)  [pic] (3)|

So the main icon is leftmost then the name and model, and then right aligned is the siblings , and kids (with css embedded icons for each).

Each foo can have the following:

foo.id = 12345
foo.name = 'brad'
foo.model = 'human'
foo.image = ''
foo.kids = 3
foo.siblings = 2
foo.link = ''


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt;
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<style type="text/css" >

    margin:         0;
    padding:        0;
    min-width:      850px;
    text-align:     left;
    line-height:    28px;
    font-size:      14px;
    font-family:    Verdana,Tahoma,Arial;

width:          800px;
border:         solid 1px #000000;
margin-top:     20px;
margin-left:    auto;
margin-right:   auto;

display:  inline;
min-width:  250px;
width:   250px;
border:   dotted 1px #b8b8b8;
padding:  0px 15px 0px 0px;
vertical-align: middle;

.foo .id
display:  none;

    display:  inline;
    text-align:  left;
    white-space: nowrap;
    margin:   2px 2px 2px 2px;

    display:  inline;
    min-width:  80px;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size:  12px;
    white-space: nowrap;

    display:  inline;
    min-width:  80px;
    color:   #000000;
    font-size:  12px;

    min-width:   90px;
    text-align:   right;
    display:   inline;

{ /* add in image for children */
    background:   url(../../images/siblings.png) no-repeat 4px 10%;
    text-align:   right;
    font-size:   12px;
    min-width:   50px;
    display:   inline;

{ /* add in image for connection */
    background:   url(../../images/kids.png) no-repeat 4px 25%;
    text-align:   right;
    font-size:   12px;
    min-width:   50px;
    display:   inline;

    display:   inline; 
    vertical-align:  middle;


<div id="content" >
<div class="foo" >
    <span class="id" >12345</span>
    <a href="" class="foolink" >
        <img src="" alt="XX" class="fooimage" height="16" width="16" />
        <span class="foodata" >
            <span class="fooname" >Brad</span>
            <span class="foomodel" >(human)</span>
        <span class="foocounts" >
            <span class="foosiblings" >(3)</span>
            <span class="fookids" >(2)</span>

<div class="foo" >
    <span class="id" >12345</span>
    <a href="" class="foolink" >
        <img src="" alt="XX" class="fooimage" height="16" width="16" />
        <span class="foodata" >
            <span class="fooname" >Tom</span>
            <span class="foomodel" >(human)</span>
        <span class="foocounts" >
            <span class="fookids" >(1)</span>

<div class="foo" >
    <span class="id" >12345</span>
    <a href="" class="foolink" >
        <img src="" alt="XX" class="fooimage" height="16" width="16" />
        <span class="foodata" >
            <span class="fooname" >Harry</span>
            <span class="foomodel" >(human)</span>
        <span class="foocounts" >
            <span class="foosiblings" >(6)</span>

<div class="foo" >
    <span class="id" >12345</span>
    <a href="" class="foolink" >
        <img src="" alt="XX" class="fooimage" height="16" width="16" />
        <span class="foodata" >
            <span class="fooname" >Sally</span>
            <span class="foomodel" >(human)</span>
        <span class="foocounts" >

<div class="foo" >
    <span class="id" >12345</span>
    <a href="" class="foolink" >
        <img src="" alt="XX" class="fooimage" height="16" width="16" />
        <span class="foodata" >
            <span class="fooname" >Peggy</span>
            <span class="foomodel" >(human)</span>
        <span class="foocounts" >
            <span class="fookids" >(12)</span>
            <span class="foosiblings" >(16)</span>


The important part is I want to keep the entire foo together, in one big chunk since I use this structure all over the page. If needed the structure of the foo can change, I have complete control over it.

+1  A: 

To keep everything together, add this:

Derek Illchuk
Perhaps (based on Paul's note that things seem to break out of their content):`white-space:nowrap;overflow:scroll` ? Though I haven't tested that.
+1  A: 

So you have a bunch of divs, each containing some content, and you want them displayed next to each other, in a row?

.foo { float: left; }

will make them float to the left and they will all appear next to each other; each box shrink-wrapped to the minimum width needed.

Mr. Shiny and New
You'd need to make sure that the content has overflow: auto; set so that the foo's will still be inside of it.
@Chris: you're right that there is probably more required than the float: left. However without more requirements it's hard to say just what else is needed.
Mr. Shiny and New
+3  A: 

The white-space:nowrap style does prevent the "foo" divs from breaking, but I also found it caused them to blow out of the width defined in the "content" div.

I found the following worked in IE, Firefox, and Chrome (pc only, don't have access to a Mac just now)

+1  A: 

This is an example where tables are 'allowed' to be used. Because this is tabular data. Somewhat.

Doing everything in div is fine for layouts, but you're actually listing things with rows and columns. That's a table in my book.

Tor Valamo
+1. It certainly is.
I'd disagree that just because something has rows and columns it is a table. Also if your "cells" are fixed size it is fairly easy to simulate a grid layout without tables. Finally, the CSS `display: table, table-cell, table-row, etc` can be used to get the browser's table-layout properties without a semantic table (sadly, no IE 6 or 7 support for those.)
Mr. Shiny and New
@Shiny: I didn't say 'just because it has rows and columns'. I said 'LISTING THINGS with rows and columns'.
Tor Valamo
@Tor: Perhaps I misunderstood the original question. If Each 'foo' is meant to be on a single line and the data inside the 'foo' blocks is meant to be evenly spaced, then yeah, it is a table. My original impression was that each foo block was an individual block mean to be spaced in a grid.
Mr. Shiny and New