




im attempting to get my arms around some basic prolog but struggling a bit. in specific - im trying to got through a list of items and copy it, item by item into a new list. I can get it to reverse, but im finding it tricker doing it without reversing.

Ive been trying the following -

copy(L,R) :- accCp(L,R).

accCp([H|T],R) :- accCp(T,H).

When i run a trace on this - i can see the individual items being copied across, but they get 'lost', and dont form a growing list (at R, as i was hoping). How could i achivie this?

Many thanks

+3  A: 

Your base case needs to set the copy list to empty when the original list is empty. Then, the recursive case needs to take H from list L and add it to the head of list R:

copy(L,R) :- accCp(L,R).
accCp([H|T1],[H|T2]) :- accCp(T1,T2).

When you call copy, it works its way down to the base case, where it sets R to an empty list. Then, as it works back up, it keeps appending the head H of known list [H|T1] to the beginning of variable list [H|T2]. It does that until the original case is reached, at which point R contains a full copy of L.

Kaleb Brasee
Thank you, so if i understand the trace correctly - its runs down through the list until accCp([],_) is true, in which case _ is replaced with [] and then as it backs up again, it ensured that the second '[]' is always equal to the first one? is that the logic?Many thanks!
Yep, that is correct -- in the recursive case it takes H from L and adds it to the head of R. And since both lists were equal (empty) in the base case, they'll end up equal when the function is done.
Kaleb Brasee
It would be good if the answer also discussed what will happen if the input list contains variables, e.g. shouldn't the copy be independent from the original (as with copy_term/2). Also, how should open lists be copied? The test case could be e.g. "copy([A, B, c, A | X], L)"