



I am trying to detect when the user has left the tinyMCE editor window but I am unable to do so. Here is the code that i think should work (but isnt):

    // I would expect this to fire when the user leaves the
    // tinyMCE editor, but it never seems to fire

I've also tried:

    .not('.mceEditor, .mceEditor *')
        // I would expect this to fire when anything but the tinyMCE editor
        // has been clicked, but it seems to fire at every click

Neither methods are working and ive been at this for hours. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

Thanks, Simon

PS: I am using the jquery plugin version, found here:


Looks like tinymce is being plugged in with an iframe. In that case you would have to access the iframe's DOM, something like this might work.


Where content_ifr is the ID of the iframe and #tinymce seems to be the tag that encloses the content. Use firebug and poke around to see.

Calvin L
Thanks for the response. Actually, i did to some 'poking' with firebug and couldn't find any <textarea> elements inside that iframe but i could still type in there. This is driving me crazy!
I think it's converting the textarea that you put in your markup into an iframe with html/css. I would still try binding an onblur event to the iframe though. Worth a try.
Calvin L

TinyMCE creates editor as an iframe inside a wrapper SPAN element. you can use SPAN element 'onfocusout' event.

Ex: if textarea element id is 'content', TinyMCE creates a SPAN with element id 'content_parent'.

$("#content_parent")[0].onfocusout =function(){alert('mouse out');};
+1  A: 

I guess this should work

tinyMCE.dom.Event.add(tinyMCE.getInstanceById("editor-id").getWin(), "blur", function(){
    // Blur operations
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