If we look at the source code of the h method (it is an alias for html_escape), it is not that hard to just open the file and add the single quote (') to the HTML_ESCAPE constant in the file.
Below is the source code of the method with the location of the method in the file. Find the constant and and the quote in. You can even add more things inside as you want it.
HTML_ESCAPE = { '&' => '&', '>' => '>', '<' => '<', '"' => '"' }
File actionpack/lib/action_view/template_handlers/erb.rb, line 17
17: def html_escape(s)
18: s.to_s.gsub(/[&"><]/) { |special| HTML_ESCAPE[special] }
19: end
CAVEAT: This modification will affect all projects that uses the library.
OR an alternative will be to create a view helper method say in ApplicationHelper
def h_with_quote(s)
HTML_ESCAPE = { "'" => "%27"}
h(s).gsub(/[']/) {|special| HTML_ESCAPE[special]}
That approach should be safer.