I created a simple smoketest for a portal running java/tomcat/jahia (cms) fronted by cache servers and big ip. Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize is a good fit for a simple smoketest of this setup. (and it has been very easy to get started).
Right now I have hardcoded into /features/support/paths.rb the following lines:
module NavigationHelpers
def path_to(page_name)
case page_name
when /the homepage/
when [...]
Right now I manually switch the comments when I want to test different environments. The issue here is I'd love to get rid of the constant PATH and put a default value inside one of the support files. And i also want to be able to feed cucumber with this environment variable from the command line like so:
cucumber ENV=staging
How do you cope with this issue? Any suggestions? Links to code that deals with this? Snippets?