



I'm looking for a code snippet manager per the following:

  1. Usable on Windows
  2. stand-alone product
  3. desktop-based (not online)
  4. Free or paid
  5. Has PHP syntax highlighting

I've found the following, but they don't seem to quite ring the bell (although they are good products):

-- Snip-It Pro (not free) -- Has syntax highlighting, but seems "not there yet."

-- The Guide (free: SourceForge) Tree-based info manager, no syntax highlighting.

-- ActionOutline (free, upgrade not free) Tree-based info manager, no syntax highlighting.

There have been questions about this before on stackoverflow, but the last one was over a year ago (over 400 answers), which is where I got the products listed above. Just wondering if I've overlooked anything produced more recently.

Thanks for any help.


I use jEdit (cross-platform code editor) with the "Templates" plugin. This plugin supports hierarchal snippit tree based on simple text files in a directory, and variable replacements via dialogs when inserting and keyboard triggers.

For example when I type "func" then [ctrl-space] it gives a series of dialogs (function name, description, return type) and then replaces "func" with the template result.

Mark Porter
Hey, thanks. I have downloaded jEdit and will give it a try. You get a Peace Prize!
Code::Blocks also does this with its "abbreviations" feature, using Ctrl-J as the shortcut. Abbreviations aren't managed in the best way right now, though.
Jon Purdy

How about Codex? Simple, standalone app. For Windows.

Thank you for this suggestion. Sorry, but I just read your suggestion today (Feb 4). I have downloaded it and will give it a try.

Another is Code Barrel, There is a visual studio plugin as well.

  • John
John Alexander