Hi Can one use cfdump inside a cfcomponent? Can one use cfdump inside a cfscript?
I know the anser is no then how can one emit the values of the functions insde cfcomponent cfscript? I am using CF8
Hi Can one use cfdump inside a cfcomponent? Can one use cfdump inside a cfscript?
I know the anser is no then how can one emit the values of the functions insde cfcomponent cfscript? I am using CF8
cfdump inside cfcomponent? why not... But I think you should do it in a cffunction.
cfdump inside cfscript? WriteDump() in CF9, or search cflib for a UDF that works in CF6+
Can one use cfdump inside a cfcomponent?
Yes, with some caveats. If you use a CFDUMP followed by CFABORT, the dump will be displayed whether or not the component/method has output turned off. That does, of course, abort all processing.
Can one use cfdump inside a cfscript?
Not exactly (unless you're using CF9), but there are workarounds.
You can close your script, put in the dump tag, then re-open it, like so:
</cfscript><cfdump var="#myVar#"><cfscript>
There is also a UDF at CFLib that mimics the CFDUMP tag.
Added: In CF9 or later, there is also writeDump().
Coldfusion 9:
myVar = "this is a test";
Coldfusion 8 and below: CF 8 does not have a cfscript version of the tag, so if needed, it needs to be abstracted into a user defined function first. This function will need to be accessible to your component.
I avoided the name "WriteDump()" to prevent any possible conflict if this code is used with CF9.
<!--- Abstract cfdump tag for use in cfscript --->
<cffunction name="scriptDump" output="no" hint="Abstracts cfdump for cfscript">
<cfargument name="myVar" required="yes">
<cfset var result = "">
<cfsavecontent variable="result">
<cfdump var="#arguments.myVar#">
<cfreturn result>
<cfset myVar = "this is a test">
<!--- Test the scriptDump(var) function in cfscript --->
dumpOfMyVar = scriptDump(myVar);
<!--- Test the scriptDump(var) function in regular HTML --->