I am trying to create a bunch of dynamic helper methods like these:
So far I have this in my helper.rb file:
#spits out a partial
def show_sidebar(name, show_sidebar = true)
@content_for_sidebar = render :partial => "partials/#{name}"
@show_sidebar = show_sidebar
def show_sidebar?
In my application layout file I have this: (NB - I'm using HAML):
- if show_sidebar?
= yield(:sidebar)
This allows me to say the following in my views:
- show_sidebar(:foo)
- show_sidebar(:bar)
And this renders the desired partial.
The problem with this is that I can only add one sidebar per page. So, I figure I need to have dynamic methods like: show_admin_sidebar, show_foo_sidebar.
So I have tried to do this:
def show_#{name}_sidebar(show_sidebar = true)
@name = name
@content_for_#{@name}_sidebar = render :partial => "partials/#{@name}"
@show_sidebar = show_sidebar
and then in my layout:
- if show_sidebar?
= yield("{@name}_sidebar")
But rails does not like this at all.
I have tried almost everything I can think of in my helper file and nothing works.
The reason I am using helper methods for this is because I want my content div to be 100% page width unless there is a sidebar present in which case the main content goes into a smaller div and the sidebar content goes into it's own..
If I can't get this working, then I can easily fix the problem by just adding the partials manually but I'd like to get my head round this....
Anyone got any experience with this kind of thing?