



Everybody in Django world seems to hate threadlocals(, I read Armin's essay on this(, but most of it hinges on threadlocals is bad because it is inelegant.

I have a scenario where theadlocals will make things significantly easier. (I have a app where people will have subdomains, so all the models need to have access to the current subdomain, and passing them from requests is not worth it, if the only problem with threadlocals is that they are inelegant, or make for brittle code.)

Also a lot of Java frameworks seem to be using threadlocals a lot, so how is their case different from Python/Django 's?

+3  A: 

You want to use threadlocals when you're working with multiple threads and want to localize some objects to a specific thread, eg. having one database connection for each thread. In your case, you want to use it more as a global context (if I understand you correctly), which is probably a bad idea. It will make your app a bit slower, more coupled and harder to test.

Why is passing it from request not worth it? Why don't you store it in session or user profile?

There difference with Java is that web development there is much more stateful than in Python/PERL/PHP/Ruby world so people are used to all kind of contexts and stuff like that. I don't think that is an advantage, but it does seem like it at the beginning.

Sebastjan Trepča
`Why don't you store it in session or user profile?` Because I need to access it from models.
`In your case, you want to use it more as a global context` NOt really, I want to set it in Middleware, and have it accesible in the, without views, sending it to explicitly each time.
+2  A: 

Also a lot of Java frameworks seem to be using threadlocals a lot, so how is their case different from Python/Django 's?

CPython's interpreter has a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) which means that only one Python thread can be executed by the interpreter at any given time. It isn't clear to me that a Python interpreter implementation would necessarily need to use more than one operating system thread to achieve this, although in practice CPython does.

Java's main locking mechanism is via objects' monitor locks. This is a decentralized approach that allows the use of multiple concurrent threads on multi-core and or multi-processor CPUs, but also produces much more complicated synchronization issues for the programmer to deal with.

These synchronization issues only arise with "shared-mutable state". If the state isn't mutable, or as in the case of a ThreadLocal it isn't shared, then that is one less complicated problem for the Java programmer to solve.

A CPython programmer still has to deal with the possibility of race conditions, but some of the more esoteric Java problems (such as publication) are presumably solved by the interpreter.

A CPython programmer also has the option to code performance critical code in Python-callable C or C++ code where the GIL restriction does not apply. Technically a Java programmer has a similar option via JNI, but this is rightly or wrongly considered less acceptable in Java than in Python.

+4  A: 

I don't think there is anything wrong with threadlocals - yes, it is a global variable, but besides that it's a normal tool. We use it just for this purpose (storing subdomain model in the context global to the current request from middleware) and it works perfectly.

So I say, use the right tool for the job, in this case threadlocals make your app much more elegant than passing subdomain model around in all the model methods (not mentioning the fact that it is even not always possible - when you are overriding django manager methods to limit queries by subdomain, you have no way to pass anything extra to get_query_set, for example - so threadlocals is the natural and only answer).

+3  A: 

I avoid this sort of usage of threadlocals, because it introduces an implicit non-local coupling. I frequently use models in all kinds of non-HTTP-oriented ways (local management commands, data import/export, etc). If I access some threadlocals data in, now I have to find some way to ensure that it is always populated whenever I use my models, and this could get quite ugly.

In my opinion, more explicit code is cleaner and more maintainable. If a model method requires a subdomain in order to operate, that fact should be made obvious by having the method accept that subdomain as a parameter.

If I absolutely could find no way around storing request data in threadlocals, I would at least implement wrapper methods in a separate module that access threadlocals and call the model methods with the needed data. This way the remains self-contained and models can be used without the threadlocals coupling.

Carl Meyer
Carl: I agree this breaks locality, but if I have to pass 'subdoain' data in all 100% of my `.filter` calls, doesnt that break DRY in worse way. This is why I think this is an acceptable tradeoff in this case.
The tradeoff might be acceptable in this case; only you can make that call. You asked "what is so bad with threadlocals," so I answered :-) I also described how I might mitigate the damage if I did feel the tradeoff was worth it.
Carl Meyer