



Recently I was working on web services proxy. I got 2 web services proxy. UI will call Proxy A to let say create a record. then what Proxy A will do is to call Proxy B to do the actual task which create the record (For some reason must go through Proxy A) now the problem is When UI call Proxy A, Proxy A will pass the objectA to Proxy B createRecord method which take in another different object type. Anyone came across this problem before can give me some suggestion. Instead of convert object A to object B.



Did you thought to use xsl in order to transform you ProxyA request into ProxyB request?

Shay Tsadok
Hi I just start using web services not really sure, can you roughly explain to me how XSL work in order to map the objects together?
Hi,Fist of all, little clarification -XSL is a conversion tool for XML, it's not related directly to web services.Few words regards XSL - usually you will use XSL in order to convert XML to an HTML document, but you may use it for XML format conversions (XML A ---> XML B).XSL itself consist of a scripting language encoded in XML format :-). In the link I've attached you may see example of using it.Hope that I helped you.Shay
Shay Tsadok