



Hi all, I have a problem with my select .. Default value is "please choose" .. but there are some options like "Acommodation & Hotels" .. so its bigger than the default value .. so its not clearly seen on IEs, it works ok in FF, how can I do this? with css or javascript? what is the best solution ? thank you

NOTE : I want to strech the <option> element not select



 <style type="text/css">

Apply myselect class to your select box. Also adjust the width if you want from 150.

but how will I know that it will fit .. some item values which have even more character ... and its dynamic list .. I don't put it by hand in there .. and it constantly changes .. I need something that will work for all cases . thank you
Gandalf StormCrow
you can specify an upper limit. How much can it stretch?
can it stretch on its own ?
Gandalf StormCrow
you will have to use js for that.
yes that is the case
Gandalf StormCrow
see my new answer, i have proposed a solution for you. cheers

Did you try to use something like:

select {width:100%}

It will take the full size of the parent node.

I want to strech the <option> element not select
Gandalf StormCrow
+1  A: 

OK so here is the solution I figured out after quite some time. It will automatically increase the size of the select box based on the maximum width of the child options.

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.onload = function()
    var elem = document.getElementById('test');
    var values = elem.length;
    var biggest_value = 0;
    var biggest_option = '';

    for(var i = 0; i <= values; i++)
      if (elem.options[i])
        var len = elem.options[i].value.length;

      if (biggest_value < len)
        biggest_value = len;
        biggest_option = elem.options[i];

    document.getElementById('test').style.width = biggest_option.offsetWidth + 'px';


The Select Box:

<select id="test">
 <option value="Hello">Hello</option>
 <option value="Hello Again">Hello Again</option>
 <option value="Hello Yet Again">Hello Yet Again</option>