I want to do something like
assert_match /blah blah blah #{@user}/, @some_text
but I'm not having any luck with it working.
What am I doing wrong here?
I want to do something like
assert_match /blah blah blah #{@user}/, @some_text
but I'm not having any luck with it working.
What am I doing wrong here?
That is the correct way to insert a variable into a regex:
irb(main):001:0> a='Hi'
=> "Hi"
irb(main):002:0> b=/Not #{a}/
=> /Not Hi/
So your problem is likely that the assert is failing because of a bad match. Check the value of @user and @some_text and try http://rubular.com to come up with a matching regexp
assert_match also takes a string, like
assert_match("blah blah", 'a string')
so the other way to do what you are doing would be to user string interpolation
string_to_match = "blah blah #{@user}"
assert_match(string_to_match, 'a string')
If there's any possibility of the @user string containing special regexp characters, you should modify this to:
/blah blah blah #{Regexp.escape(@user)}/
you can take a look at %r{}, for example:
pattern = 'foo'
%r{#{pattern}_bar} =~ 'foo_bar_2000'