Ok, I have a question from a "client" perspective. Let's say we are talking about website designed for distribution: products + their logistics info.
Definitely less than a 2k rows, rarely changed but often accessed. Typical row with several columns will have to consist of a picture so it might make it a bit "heavy". I was proposed a websited in Django Framework coded in Python with Postgresql database.
Is it efficient? Cost-efficient, for such a small purpose is it really needed? and is there a cheaper and also reliable solution?
From what I know the porposed solution is efficient for a programmer - loads of features, flexibility, distinction between layers of code-content-graphics. It gives a chance to build rly complicated websites and databases - thus the cost of service is bigger.
What i need to know is whether the porposed solution is suitable for such a small project and could not be easily replaced by less complicated languages/frameworks/dmbses like PHP with MySQL etc.
Please help :]
and sry for not editing the q in the first place