How do I do this
Select top 10 Foo from MyTable
in Linq to SQL?
How do I do this
Select top 10 Foo from MyTable
in Linq to SQL?
from m in MyTable
take 10
select m.Foo
This assumes that MyTable implements IQueryable. You may have to access that through a DataContext or some other provider.
It also assumes that Foo is a column in MyTable that gets mapped to a property name.
See for more detail.
Use the take method:
var foo = (from t in MyTable
select t.Foo).Take(10);
In VB LINQ has a take expression:
Dim foo = From t in MyTable _
Take 10 _
Select t.Foo
This works well in C#
var q = from m in MyTable.Take(10)
select m.Foo
I do like this:
var dados = from d in dc.tbl_News.Take(4)
orderby d.idNews descending
select new
Take is not exactly the same as TOP 10 as it forces a sort. Is there anyway to take an aribitrary top 10 without the sort?
@Janei: my first comment here is about your sample ;)
I think if you do like this, you want to take 4, then applying the sort on these 4.
var dados = from d in dc.tbl_News.Take(4)
orderby d.idNews descending
select new
Different than sorting whole tbl_News by idNews descending and then taking 4
var dados = (from d in dc.tbl_News orderby d.idNews descending select new { d.idNews, d.titleNews, d.textNews, d.dateNews, d.imgNewsThumb }).Take(4);
no ? results may be different.