I need a function or a regular expression to validate strings which contain alpha characters (including French ones), minus sign (-), dot (.) and space (excluding everything else)
I need a function or a regular expression to validate strings which contain alpha characters (including French ones), minus sign (-), dot (.) and space (excluding everything else)
This might suit:
/^[ a-zA-Z\xBF-\xFF\.-]+$/
It lets a few extra chars in, like ÷, but it handles quite a few of the accented characters.
/^[a-zàâçéèêëîïôûùüÿñæœ .-]*$/i
Use of /i
for case-insensitivity to make things simpler. If you don't want to allow empty strings, change *
to +
[\w .-]
should suffice, but you'll need to have \w
consider the locale and/or put it into Unicode mode, so \w
matches what Unicode defines as alpha-numeric characters. How to do that in PHP is probably just a Google away.
/^[\p{L}-. ]*$/u
This says:
^ Start of the string
[ ... ]* Zero or more of the following:
\p{L} Unicode letter characters
- dashes
. periods
$ End of the string
/u Enable Unicode mode in PHP
should work.. /u switch is for UTF-8 encoding