



Actionscript 3

I have been wrecking my head most today on the best way of going about this, but i end up over complicating what i would believe to be a simple task.

I have some TextFields lined up next to each other all fixed width, i.e ( [ width ])

      tf1         tf2       tf3      tf4        tf5
[     80     ][   50   ][   50   ][  50   ][    70   ]

What i want to do is be able to select which detail i want to show, and then redistribute the width of the removed TextField to the rest (note you can only remove from the right), so if i was to show up to "tf3", 120 (70+50) would need to be evenly distributed to the other boxes:

[      80 + 50 + 50 = 180                 ]
[80/180*120 + 80 = 133.3]
               [50/180*120 + 50 = 83.3]
                         [50/180*120 + 50 = 83.3]

Then line them up again (x + width etc):

 [      133.3       ][     83.3      ][     83.3     ]

Any ideas of a better method, i sure there is some nice easy functions i can use to do this.

I probably have overcomplicated the question too now, but ill give it a try, anyone have any ideas?

+1  A: 

Am I mis-understanding something, or wouldn't it be as simple as:

boxWidth = (availableWidth - (padding + margins)) / numberOfFieldsShown
Justin Niessner
+1  A: 

So, let me get this straight, you have N text fields of differing widths and you want to remove 1 or more of them, rearranging the remaining M text fields, redistributing their widths proportionally (i.e. so if text field T1 was twice the width of text field T2, it would still be after they are rearranged)?

This isn't actually a very simple problem, but I've taken a stab at it below. You pass it the array of your text fields (from left to right), the number you want to keep, and an optional X-offset.

Note: I haven't done AS3 in months so consider the below to be pseudocode--you will have to edit it to make it work.

function arrangeTextFields(textFields:Array, keep:int, xOffset:Number = 0) {
  // we can't keep more fields than are provided
  keep = Math.min(keep, textFields.length);

  var totalWidth    = 0, // the total width of all textfields
      keptOrigWidth = 0, // the total combined widths of the ones you're keeping
      origNum:int   = textFields.length;

  // calculate the above values by addition in a loop
  // (because AS3 lacks an inject/reduce method)
  for(var i:int, i++, i < origNum) {
    totalWidth += textFields[i].width;

    if(i < take) {
      keptOrigWidth += textFields[i].width;

  var ratio:Number = totalWidth / takenOrigWidth, // the ratio we'll resize each field by to keep them proportional
      currentX:int = 0; 

  textFields = textFields.slice(0, keep - 1); // throw away the fields we're not keeping

  for(int i = 0; i < take; i++) {
    textFields[i].width = textFields[i].width * ratio; // resize it
    textFields[i].x     = currentX + xOffset;          // move it

    currentX += textFields[i].width;

Note: This code doesn't actually remove the "unkept" text fields from view; you'll have to add that or do it elsewhere.
