



Does c# have an equivalent of the Java Runnable interface?

If not how could this be implemented or is it simply not needed?


+6  A: 

Nope. C# handles threads differently to Java. Rather than subclassing the Thread class, you simply create a new System.Threading.Thread object and pass it a ThreadStart delegate (this is the function where you do the work)..

Alex DeLarge
Side note: in Java, the `Runnable` interface is an alternative to subclassing `Thread`, but you still have to create a new `Thread` object, passing the `Runnable` to a constructor.
R. Bemrose
So basically, ThreadStart *is* the exact C# equivalent to Java's Runnable.
Michael Borgwardt
@Michel Borgwardt: Yeap, the answer is correct ( in essence ) but wrong in the way is it written.
+4  A: 

It's not needed - threads in C# take an instance of a ThreadStart or ParameterizedThreadStart delegate which are the runnable components of the thread to execute.

+3  A: 

.Net uses the ThreadStart and ParameterizedThreadStart delegates to bootstrap Threads.

Delegates being first-class citizens in .Net, you can keep a reference around if you need to.

Florian Doyon
+3  A: 

The closest to a high level task-oriented threading API would be a BackgroundWorker. As others have mentioned, .NET (and thus C#) use delegates for representing a callable method. Java doesn't have that concept (function pointers), and instead uses interfaces for callable objects.

+6  A: 

The ThreadStart delegate is essentially the same as the Runnable interface. A delegate is like an interface for a single method rather than an entire class, so it's actually easier to implement than the Runnable interface in Java.

MSDN explains about delegates:

Delegates and interfaces are similar in that they enable the separation of specification and implementation. Multiple independent authors can produce implementations that are compatible with an interface specification. Similarly, a delegate specifies the signature of a method, and authors can write methods that are compatible with the delegate specification. When should you use interfaces, and when should you use delegates?

Delegates are useful when:

  • A single method is being called.
  • A class may want to have multiple implementations of the method specification.
  • It is desirable to allow using a static method to implement the specification.
  • An event-like design pattern is desired (for more information, see the Events Tutorial).
  • The caller has no need to know or obtain the object that the method is defined on.
  • The provider of the implementation wants to "hand out" the implementation of the specification to only a few select components.
  • Easy composition is desired.

Interfaces are useful when:

  • The specification defines a set of related methods that will be called.
  • A class typically implements the specification only once.
  • The caller of the interface wants to cast to or from the interface type to obtain other interfaces or classes.
Daniel Pryden
+3  A: 

C# uses the ThreadStart delegate instead of Java's Runnable style.

public class Foo 

   public void DoStuff()
      while (true)
         // do some stuff

public class Bar
    public static int Main()
        Foo foo = new Foo();
        // create a ThreadStart delegate and pass in the method that will run 
        // (similar to run on Java's Runnable)
        Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(foo.DoStuff));
Dave Sims
+3  A: 

Does c# have an equivalent of the Java Runnable interface?

Yes, it's ThreadStart

class Runner
    void SomeMethod() 
        Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));

     public void Run() 
          Console.WriteLine("Running in a different thread.")

Would be equivalent to the following Java code

 class Runner implements Runnable {

     void someMethod() {
        Thread newThread = new Thread( this );

      public void run() {
          out.println("Running in a different thread.");