a) Book I’m reading claims that browser has two sets of rules (one for old HTML and one for the newer, standard HTML 4.01 ) for displaying web pages and if we don’t tell the browser ( by adding document type definition ) that we are using standard HTML 4.01, then browser will assume we’re writing old HTML and thus will use old set of rules for rendering html.
b) Book also claims that if we tell the browser we are writing standard HTML 4.01 ,but if we then make just one mistake in our markup( typos, mismatched tags… ), then browser will assume we’re writing old HTML and thus will use the old set of rules for rendering html. Is that correct?
c) I don’t understand why due to just one mistake in our markup won’t the browser be able to apply the new set of rules to otherwise perfect HTML 4.01? If nothing else, it could apply old set of rules to the non-valid markup (say a mismatched tag) and new set of rules to the remaining, up-to standard HTML?!