Try this
Sample Input:(Case 1)
declare @t table(Typeid int,ObjectId int)
insert into @t
select 1,10 union all select 2,10 union all
select 1,11
select * from @t
Sample Input:(Case 2)
declare @t table(Typeid int,ObjectId int)
insert into @t
select 1,10 union all select 2,10 union all
select 3,10 union all select 4,10 union all
select 5,10 union all select 6,10 union all
select 1,11 union all select 2,11 union all
select 3,11 union all select 4,11 union all
select 5,11 union all select 1,12 union all
select 2,12 union all select 3,12 union all
select 4,12 union all select 5,12 union all
select 6,12
select * from @t
Sample Input:(Case 3)[Duplicate entries are there]
declare @t table(Typeid int,ObjectId int)
insert into @t
select 1,10 union all select 2,10 union all
select 1,10 union all select 2,10 union all
select 3,10 union all select 4,10 union all
select 5,10 union all select 6,10 union all
select 1,11 union all select 2,11 union all
select 3,11 union all select 4,11 union all
select 5,11 union all select 1,12 union all
select 2,12 union all select 3,12 union all
select 4,12 union all select 5,12 union all
select 6,12 union all select 3,12
For case 1, the output should be 10
For case 2 & 3, the output should be 10 and 12
select X.ObjectId from
,count(ObjectId) cnt
from(select distinct ObjectId,Typeid from @t)T
where T.Typeid in(select Typeid from @t)
group by T.ObjectId )X
join (select max(Typeid) maxcnt from @t)Y
on X.cnt = Y.maxcnt