



If I define a constant in a Perl module, how do I use that constant in my main program? (Or how do I call that constant in the main program?)

+19  A: 

Constants can be exported just like other package symbols. Using the standard Exporter module, you can export constants from a package like this:

package Foo;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Exporter';

use constant CONST => 42;

our @EXPORT_OK = ('CONST');


Then, in a client script (or other module)

use Foo 'CONST';
print CONST;

You can use the %EXPORT_TAGS hash (see the Exporter documentation) to define groups of constants that can be exported with a single import argument.

Update: Here's an example of how to use the %EXPORT_TAGS feature if you have multiple constants.

use constant LARRY => 42;
use constant CURLY => 43;
use constant MOE   => 44;

our @EXPORT_OK = ('LARRY', 'CURLY', 'MOE');
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( stooges => [ 'LARRY', 'CURLY', 'MOE' ] );

Then you can say

use Foo ':stooges';
print "$_\n" for LARRY, CURLY, MOE;
use Exporter 'import'; is better, but will require upgrading Exporter on perl's earlier than 5.8.3.
Alexandr Ciornii
please explain why is using 'import' better?
Matthew Watson
+16  A: 

Constants are just subs with empty prototype, so they can be exported like any other sub.

# file
package Foo;
use constant BAR => 123;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(BAR);

# file
use Foo qw(BAR);
print BAR;
+11  A: 

To expand on the earlier answers, since constants are really just subs, you can also call them directly:

use Foo;
print Foo::BAR;
Don't refer to answers as being above, because if your answer gets voted up enough, it may end up above them.
Brad Gilbert
+12  A: 

You might want to consider using Readonly instead of constant.

Why? What's wrong with constant?
You can't do this with it: print "constant is $constant"; or this: print $hash{constant};
Leon Timmermans
+6  A: 
package Foo;
use Readonly;
Readonly my  $C1 => 'const1';
Readonly our $C2 => 'const2';
sub get_c1 { return $C1 }

perl -MFoo -e 'print "$_\n" for Foo->get_c1, $Foo::C2'
+2  A: 

To add to the bag of tricks, since a constant is just a subroutine you can even call it as a class method.

package Foo;
use constant PI => 3.14;

print Foo->PI;

If you have lots of constants it's a nice way to get at the occasional one without having to export them all. However, unlike Foo::PI or exporting PI, Perl will not compile out Foo->PI so you incur the cost of a method call (which probably doesn't matter).
