I'm trying to parse some HTML with DOM in PHP, but I'm having some problems. First, in case this change the solution, the HTML that I have is not a full page, rather, it's only part of it.
<!-- This is the HTML that I have --><a href='/games/'>
<div id='game'>
<img src='http://images.example.com/games.gif' width='300' height='137' border='0'>
<br><b> Game </b>
<div id='double'>
<img src='http://images.example.com/double.gif' width='300' height='27' border='0' alt='' title=''>
Now I'm trying to get only the div with the id double
. I've tried the following code, but it doesn't seem to be working properly. What might I be doing wrong?
//The HTML has been loaded into the variable $html
$dom=new domDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$keepme = $dom->getElementById('double');
$contents = '<div style="text-align:center">'.$keepme.'</a></div>';
echo $contents;