



I am trying to extract a substring. I need some help with doing it in PHP.

Here are some sample strings I am working with and the results I need:

home/cat1/subcat2 => home

test/cat2 => test

startpage => startpage

I want to get the string till the first /, but if no / is present, get the whole string.

I tried,

substr($mystring, 0, strpos($mystring, '/'))

I think it says - get the position of / and then get the substring from position 0 to that position.

I don't know how to handle the case where there is no /, without making the statement too big.

Is there a way to handle that case also without making the PHP statement too complex?

+11  A: 

Use explode()

$arr = explode("/", $string, 2);
$first = $arr[0];

In this case, I'm using the limit parameter to explode so that php won't scan the string any more than what's needed.

+1 Good answer.
+1 Thanks for the answer. It worked :) But one question. I am only able to do this -> `$arr = explode('/',$mystring,2); echo $arr[0];`. I am unable to get the first string in one statement itself - `echo explode('/',$mystring,2)[0];`. Since explode returns an array, I should be able to do it right? But I get an error. Any suggestions?
No, you cannot do that.
Php doesn't like you indexing into return values from functions.
oh. okay. would have been nice if it was possible.
`list($first,) = explode("/", $string, 2);`
+1  A: 

I think this should work?

substr($mystring, 0, (($pos = (strpos($mystring, '/') !== false)) ? $pos : strlen($mystring)));

You can try using a regex like this:

$s = preg_replace('|/.*|', '', $s);

sometimes, regex are slower though, so if performance is an issue, make sure to benchmark this properly and use an other alternative with substrings if it's more suitable for you.
