



What is the best J2EE server to deploy coldfusion 9 on? I know there is Tomcat but i'm sure there are others.


If you can deploy Cold Fusion on any Java EE app server, there are lots to choose from:

  1. WebLogic
  2. JBOSS
  3. Glassfish
  4. Jetty
  5. WebSphere

Pick the one that fits your budget.

I've listed these in my order of preference. I think WebLogic is still the best Java EE app server out there. Let's hope Oracle doesn't kill it.

I totally agree with your sentence about WebLogic and Oracle. Regarding the list, and the order, have a look at, you'll see why I start to not like JBoss as much as before (but still more than WebSphere).
Pascal Thivent
Pascal, that's a terrific link. I recently found my way to the links you post in your profile and was glad that I did. Your posts are terrific, so it's no surprise that other material you have on the web is equally good. I'll be coming back for more. Thanks.
Glad you find it interesting. And thanks a lot for the compliments.
Pascal Thivent
+2  A: 

The ColdFusion support matrix lists a limited number of JavaEE servers that they support:

  • WebLogic Server 9.2, 10.3
  • WebSphere Application Server ND 6.1, ND 7
  • JRun Updater 7
  • JBoss 4.2, 5.01

Your choice from this list is going to be dictated by commercial realities, not technical ones - WebLogic and Websphere are the leading servers, but commercial (and expensive); JBoss is free (although you can pay for a support contract); JRun is just rubbish, and I suspect only supported because if I remember correctly, JRun and ColdFusion used to be the same platform.

Having said all that, CF may run just fine on any other appserver, but that would be unsupported.

ColdFusion and JRun were indeed both products from Allaire. Actually, I had almost forgotten its existence. According to wikipedia, *Adobe announced in August 2007 to discontinue new feature development for JRun. The ColdFusion team will continue to make changes to its underlying Java engine as they require.* (source:
Pascal Thivent
Hmm.. hardly a ringing endorsement.,....
"JRun is just rubbish" - Why? We have several production servers on JRun, without a problem so far. What's better with the others?
OK, maybe that was a bit harsh, but JRun is a dead duck. The only reason to use it is if you've already invested in it.
Well, it comes free with the CF standalone installation. Anyway - would there be a compelling reason to switch?
JRun has no future development planned, but it works just fine as an app server supporting CF.
Ollie Jones
I see that Adobe only lists paid for application servers (or their own Jrun). Does anyone have experience running Coldfusion on Glassfish or Tomcat?
@nedlud: JBoss isn't paid for (unless you really want to)

I built a ColdFusion 6.1 application for a national 401k provider deployed on JBoss and it worked very well. Actually, I was able to run CF 6 on a 64-bit JVM because I was no longer hindered by JRun.

+1  A: 

You need to answer two or three questions to decide:

  • Do you know enough about it to not want to just use JRun?
  • Which J2EE servers do you know well enough to support (or know the best)?
  • Which of those are on the supported servers list?
Neil Middleton