



I was studying the difference between lists and tuples (in Python). An obvious one is that tuples are immutable (the values cannot be changed after initial assignment), while lists are mutable.

A sentence in the article got me:

Only immutable elements can be used as dictionary keys, and hence only tuples and not lists can be used as keys.

I have a hard time thinking of a situation where I would like to use a tuple as a dictionary key. Can you provide an example problem where this would be the natural, efficient, elegant, or obvious solution?


Thanks for your examples. So far I take that a very important application is the caching of function values.

a[("John", "Doe")] = "123 Fake Street"
+4  A: 
salaries = {}
salaries[('John', 'Smith')] = 10000.0
salaries[('John', 'Parker')] = 99999.0

EDIT 1 Of course you can do salaries['John Smith'] = whatever, but then you'll have to do extra work to separate the key into first and last names. What about pointColor[(x, y, z)] = "red", here the benefit of tuple key is more prominent.

I must stress out that this is not the best practice. In many cases you better create special classes to handle situations like that, but Arrieta asked for examples, which I gave her (him).


By the way, each tuple element has to be hashable too:

>>> d = {}
>>> t = (range(3), range(10, 13))
>>> d[t] = 11
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: list objects are unhashable
I dont use python much, but wouldnt salaries[('John Smith')] = 99998 be a valid dictionary key?
I agree you can do that, but I would model this data with a class Employee with __init__(self,Firs,Last,Salary), and create an instance for each element in the list. In this case, using the 'tuple as key' trick would appear a bit unnatural to me. What do you think?
of course it would. But then you will have to do extra work if you want to split the key to, say, first and last names.
Thanks for your edits, I think the color example is very good, as the general `dict[tuple] = f(tuple)` mentioned in the answers. I'm a "him" by the way :)
@GrayWizardx, 'John Smith' is a valid key but not necessarily unique, but ('John', 'Smith')
Anurag Uniyal
@GrayWizardx, ('John Smith') is the same as 'John Smith', which would certainly be valid. Neither is a tuple though...
Peter Hansen
+8  A: 

Classic Example: You want to store point value as tuple of (x, y)

Wow. This is very true. I cannot think of any other way of efficiently storing the function values! If your function is very expensive to evaluate, you only do it once, and store the points for later retrieval. +1! Thanks!
Must I mention I will do that tomorrow, first thing in the morning...
Agreed. Also, anywhere you are handling something in memory where you would use a compound key to handle the same thing in a relational database.
Joe Mabel

I suppose in the case of sorting, there could be merit in using a tuple. For example, suppose the dictionary key represents a sort field (obviously there would be a default sort field to prevent the key from being None). If you needed multiple sort fields, such as the case of sorting by last name, then first name, wouldn't using a tuple as the dictionary key be a good idea?

Sure, such an idea might have limited use, but that doesn't mean it is completely useless.

+2  A: 

I use tuple lots of time as dict key e.g.

  • I do use them when I have to create a unique key from multiple values e.g.

    based on first_name, last_name key could be key = '%s_%s'%(first_name, last_name) but better way is key = (first_name, last_name) because

    1. It is more readable, shorter and less computation
    2. It is easier to retrieve the individual values
    3. Most importantly key = '%s_%s'%(first_name, last_name) is wrong and may not give unique keys for all values of first_name and last_name e.g. when values contain _
  • Caching the results of a function

    def func(a1, b1): if (a1,b1) in cache: return cache[(a1,b1)] ...

Anurag Uniyal
+1  A: 

I used tuples as dictionary keys in application that compares network devices by geographical location. Since the devices are named similarly for each location, it provides a natural way to know if a device matching that pairing has been seen yet while processing multiples.


seen = {}
seen[('abc', 'lax')] = 1
seen[('xyz', 'nyc')] = 1