As ConsoleFx seems to be progressing too slow (bummer, it had much potential) and showing too many breaking changes every build, I decided to switch to Mono.Options for my commandline parsing needs.
My OptionSet is built in the following method
private static OptionSet BuildOptionSet()
OptionSet optionSet = new OptionSet()
.Add("?|help|h", "Prints out the options", option => help = option != null)
.Add("w|wait", "Waits for any key after finished processing", option => wait)
return optionSet;
All tutorials I find, deal with options and how to capture them, but arguments are never mentioned.
The following call for example
c:\>test.exe brandCode1 brandCode2 /w
Should put wait on true and give me two arguments with values brandCode1 and brandCode2. How can I capture them in a clean way from the args[] ?
Is this not possible with Mono.Options?