I need to resize and crop an image to a specific width and height. I was able to construct a method that will create a square thumbnail, but I'm unsure on how to apply this, when the desired thumbnail is not square.
def rescale(data, width, height):
"""Rescale the given image, optionally cropping it to make sure the result image has the specified width and height."""
from google.appengine.api import images
new_width = width
new_height = height
img = images.Image(data)
org_width, org_height = img.width, img.height
# We must determine if the image is portrait or landscape
# Landscape
if org_width > org_height:
# With the Landscape image we want the crop to be centered. We must find the
# height to width ratio of the image and Convert the denominater to a float
# so that ratio will be a decemal point. The ratio is the percentage of the image
# that will remain.
ratio = org_height / float(org_width)
# To find the percentage of the image that will be removed we subtract the ratio
# from 1 By dividing this number by 2 we find the percentage that should be
# removed from each side this is also our left_x coordinate
left_x = (1- ratio) / 2
# By subtract the left_x from 1 we find the right_x coordinate
right_x = 1 - left_x
# crop(image_data, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y), output_encoding=images.PNG)
img.crop(left_x, 0.0, right_x, 1.0)
# resize(image_data, width=0, height=0, output_encoding=images.PNG)
# Portrait
elif org_width < org_height:
ratio = org_width / float(org_height)
# crop(image_data, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y), output_encoding=images.PNG)
img.crop(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, ratio)
# resize(image_data, width=0, height=0, output_encoding=images.PNG)
thumbnail = img.execute_transforms()
return thumbnail
If there is a better way to do this please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a diagram explaining the desired process. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2543/4205690696%5Fb3821a12e9%5Fo.gif