
How to get an Applet in a table-row to size dynamically

I need to insert an applet into a table-row and get that table-row's height to dynamically resize according to the browser's window size. If I put fixed values for width & height in the td-tag, it shows the applet fine, but I need to be able to resize this according to the client's size capabilities, so using fixed sizes is not the answe...

How to auto resize JFrame according to content

I have created a custom JPanel that displays images (lets call it MyPanel), I have added this to JFrame's contentPane. I want JFrame to be resized automatically to fit the MyPanel when image changes. It looks like I need to call frame.pack() to do this. Calling pack() from MyPanel increases coupling so I don't want to do that. To solv...

App Engine Cropping to a Specific Width and Height

I need to resize and crop an image to a specific width and height. I was able to construct a method that will create a square thumbnail, but I'm unsure on how to apply this, when the desired thumbnail is not square. def rescale(data, width, height): """Rescale the given image, optionally cropping it to make sure the result image has the...

Question on dynamically sizing a button with textField

Hi Stackers! My question today is dealing with a dynamically generated button with a textField. I have the button copy in XML and I need to add a buffer of 10 pixels to either side of the textField. I tried to CENTER my textFormat, but then I could not see my text because the button is for some strange reason 545.45 instead of 88 like i...

UINavigationController autoresizing views behavior

I've read in Apple's documentation about UINavigationController's resizing behavior and it hasn't been much of a problem until now. I have the following code to set up my UINavigationController's view: navController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 40, 320, 420); and this is sufficient until the view is obscured by a modal view, at which po...

fancybox iframe dimension

Hi, in the fancybox homepage (http://fancybox.net/home) there is an exemple that opens an iFrame dimensioned as the 75% of the screen. I cant get it by modifing the width and height properties on the .js file as described on the site. Someones can help me? thaaanks ...

Dynamic sizing of SSRS Report....

Hello....I have a report with 12 Tablixes on it. The user can pick and choose which one of these Tables and their associated data shows when the Report is generated. However, when chosing a subset of the 12 tables, the report shows blank space where I hide the non-selected tables. Is there any way to make the report resize/fit the siz...

Setting width of a panel based on the width of an element within it in WPF

I have a list box item that I wish to dynamically resize. However I don't want it to resize to the width of the largest element, but to the width of a specific element. This comes from the datatemplate: <StackPanel> <!-- this first item wants to have a width forced to that of the next item --> <TextBlock TextWrapping="WrapWithOverf...

CSS: How do I arrange 3 elements into columns with the middle element filling in between them?

I have 3 elements I want to arrange into columns. I want the left and right elements to stay fixed widths and align to their respective edges of the page, but the middle element I need to fill in the space between them. How do I do this? ...

std::string and its automatic memory resizing

I'm pretty new to C++, but I know you can't just use memory willy nilly like the std::string class seems to let you do. For instance: std::string f = "asdf"; f += "fdsa"; How does the string class handle getting larger and smaller? I assume it allocates a default amount of memory and if it needs more, it news a larger block of memory ...