




In my controller, I've this action method called "SearchForContact," which takes 2 strings parameters firstName and LastName. There are 3 situations:

  • If both parameters are null, the view is redisplayed with an error message, prompting the user to enter at least one of the 2 parameters

  • if both parameters are not null, I can retrieve contacts and display the result on the view

  • Unfortunately, when either of the parameters is null, I get nothing. I suspect that I did not write correctly my Linq Statements.

here's the statement that process the search:

var contacts = contactRepository.SearchForContacts(firstName, lastName).ToList();

Here are my helper methods located in my repository class (ContactRepository.cs) located in the models folder.

public IQueryable<Contact> SearchForContacts(string firstName, string lastName)
        if (firstName == null)
            return OneCriteria(lastName);
        if (nom == null)
            return OneCriteria(firstName);
            return TwoCriteria(firstName, lastName);

    private IQueryable<Contact> OneCriteria(string criteria)
        var contacts = from contact in db.Contacts
                       where ((contact. firstName == criteria) ||
                              (contact. lastName == criteria))
                       orderby contact. firstName
                       select contact;
        return contacts;
    private IQueryable<Contact> TwoCriteria(string firstName, string lastName)
        var contacts = from contact in db.Contacts
                       where ((contact. firstName == firstName) &&
                             (contact. lastName == lastName))
                       orderby contact. firstName
                       select contact;
        return contacts;

Thanks for helping

+2  A: 

Should you not change

if (nom == null)


if (lastName== null)

Seems to work fine when i tested it.

I've corrected the mistake, but it still not working when I use one criteria

try this

 if ((firstName == null) && (lastName != null)  )
        return OneCriteria(lastName);

if ((firstName != null) && (lastName == null) ) return OneCriteria(firstName);

else return TwoCriteria(firstName, lastName);

hope this helps.

Ali62,I tried what you said, it didn't work. However, while following the flow of the execution. Instead of null, I rather saw "" -- Empty string. I then replaced null by Empty string and it worked. I wonder what happened.
glad to here you find your answer yourself .may behind the scene somewhere is process .NET converts string nulls to Empty string you mentioned I'm not sure.

You can try the following: if(firstName == null && lastname == null) {do your error}

else {

var contacts = from contact in db.Contacts select contact;

if(firstName != null) contacts = from FN in contacts where (FN.firstName == firstName) select FN;

if(lastName != null) contacts = from LN in contacts where (FN.lastName == lastName) select LN;

