Hi All,
I m embarking on a difficult journey to create/replace a IDE for one of the middleware products from Bigblue.
Thy have created a IDE based on eclipse and Its a PIA to use it and very very slow even on decent configuration machine. Problem is there is no alternative to this.But i m planning to create one. So to start off i need to write a GUI in C++. I m planning to use Qt for this. But i need to understand how eclipse generate aritifacts and such. There are some graphical elements in Eclipse IDE used by bigblue. I need to create exacltly those graphical elements in my IDE.
So its basically writing a eclipse IDE only in C++ , but for the middle ware product only.
Any guidance , suggestions are most welcome.
I know i might fail in this endeavor, but I would rather try and fail than just to complain about how slow the IDE is.
Thanks all.
Edit : I have been using the Eclipse IDE for 5 years provided by bigblue and its dead slow, I have to use their version because it has customized environment for middleware tool. I m finally tired of it. :(