I have a python class working in zope 3 zcml kind of way, but i want to move the python into a standalone script that a could access via something along the lines of tal:content='context/get_tags'. This is the code as it stands:
class TagListView(BrowserView):
def getCategories(self):
categories = set()
for cat in self.portal_catalog.uniqueValuesFor('Subject'):
for cat in self.__mapping:
return tuple(sorted(categories))
def getSynonyms(self,category):
r = self.__mapping.get(category)
if r is None:
return ()
return r[0]
def __init__(self,context,request):
self.context = context
self.request = request
self.tool = self.context.portal_categories
def entries(self):
taglist = '(['
for category in self.tool.getCategories():
taglist = taglist + '\'' + category + '\','
for synonym in self.tool.getSynonyms(category):
if len(synonym) > 0:
taglist = taglist + '\'' + synonym + '\','
taglist = taglist + '])'
return taglist
Not great (as you may have guessed programmer isn't my job title) but it's what i have. How do I convert it to work as a standalone script?