indexing into a list
The use of
[expression_when_false, expression_when_true][condition] # or
(expression_when_false, expression_when_true)[condition]
takes advantage of the fact that in Python True equals (but isn't!) 1 and False equals (but isn't!) 0. The expression above constructs a list of two elements, and uses the result of condition to index in the list and return only one expression. The drawback of this method is that both expressions are evaluated.
and-or shortcuts
Since the creation of Python, there was a form of this operation:
condition and expression_when_true or expression_when_false
This takes a shortcut and evaluates only one expression, but has a bug-prone drawback: the *expression_when_true* must not evaluate to a non-true value, otherwise the result is *expression_when_false*. and
and or
are "short-circuiting" in Python, and the following rules apply:
a and b #→ a if a is false, else b
a or b #→ a if a is true, else b
If condition is false, then *expression_when_true* is never evaluated and the result is *expression_when_false*. OTOH, if condition is true, then the result is the result of (*expression_when_true* or *expression_when_false*); consult the table above.
ternary conditional operator
Of course, since Python 2.5, there is a ternary conditional operator:
expression_when_true if condition else expression_when_false
The strange (if you are accustomed to the C-like ternary conditional operator) order of the operands is attributed to many things; the general intention is that condition should be true most of the time, so that the most common output comes first and is most visible.