In php there's a function called uniqid. It generates unique identifiers based on the current time. I was wondering if something like that was available in ActionScript.
There is no built-in way to generate a true UUID in ActionScript. You can get something good enough via
import mx.utils.UIDUtil;
var uuid:String = UIDUtil.createUID();
Jonathan Feinberg
2009-12-22 16:09:54
import mx.utils.UIDUtil;
var uuid:String = UIDUtil.createUID();
getURL("Javascript:fname=" + uuid + ";get_name();");
Why firebug says that fname is undefined?
Tried getURL("Javascript:fname=" + UIDUtil.createUID() + ";get_name();");
Same result: undefined
Please help me.
2010-01-01 11:21:35