




I have a template for a TWiki that automatically sends out emails upon detecting a change. The only problem is the output is not acceptable to my bosses. Can someone help me out? I have no idea what I am doing wrong here.

This is the line giving me so much trouble. I know the hyper link is wrong, its to bypass the spam filter. I put | instead of < or >

|a href="%SCRIPTURL{"compare"}%/%WEB%/%TOPICNAME%"|%IF{"%SEARCH{"---+." web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPICNAME%" type="regex" scope="text" nonoise="on" format="%TOPICNAME%"}%" then="%SEARCH{"---+." web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPICNAME%" type="regex" scope="text" nonoise="on" format="|b|$pattern(^---+?\s([^\n\r]).*)|/b|"}%" else="|b|%TOPICNAME%|/b|"}%|/a|

Here is an alternative method of creating that line I had no luck with: format="$percntCALC{$SET(title, $pattern(^---+*?\s([^\n\r]).))$IF($EXACT(, $TRANSLATE($GET(title), $comma, ;), %TOPICNAME%, $GET(title))}$percnt"

Here is the original template it is from:

%{ Templates for the parts of the mails sent out by mailnotify. The HTML and PLAIN templates are in three parts; header, body (which is repeated for each change), and footer. The result is embedded in MailNotifyBody


%TMPL:DEF{HTML:before}%|h2|%MAKETEXT{"This is an automated e-mail from [_1]." args="%WIKITOOLNAME%"}%|/h2| |p| |em|%MAKETEXT{"New or changed topics in [_1], since [_2]:" args="%WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB%,%LASTDATE%"}%|/em| |/p| |table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"| |tr bgcolor="#B9DAFF"| |td width="50%"| |b|%MAKETEXT{"Topics in [_1] web:" args="|nop|%WEB%"}%|/b| |/td||td width="30%"| |b|%MAKETEXT{"Changed:"}%|/b| (%MAKETEXT{"now [_1]" args="%DISPLAYTIME{"$hour:$min"}%"}%) |/td||td width="20%"| |b|%MAKETEXT{"Changed by"}%:|/b| |/td| |/tr|


%TMPL:DEF{HTML:middle}%|tr| |td width="50%"| |a hrex="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%"||b|%TOPIC%|/b||/a| |/td||td width="30%"| |a hrex="%SCRIPTURL{"compare"}%/%WEB%/%TOPICNAME%"|%IF{"%SEARCH{"---+." web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPICNAME%" type="regex" scope="text" nonoise="on" format="%TOPICNAME%"}%" then="%SEARCH{"---+." web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPICNAME%" type="regex" scope="text" nonoise="on" format="|b|$pattern(^---+?\s([^\n\r]).*)|/b|"}%" else="|b|%TOPICNAME%|/b|"}%|/a| %AUTHOR% |/td| |/tr| |tr| |td colspan="2"| |font size="-1"| %TEXTHEAD% |/font| |/td||td width="20%"|   |/td| |/tr|


%TMPL:DEF{HTML:after}%|/table| |br clear="all" /| |p|%MAKETEXT{"Review recent changes in:"}% |a hrex="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/WebChanges"|%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/WebChanges|/a| |/p|

|p|%MAKETEXT{"Subscribe / Unsubscribe in:"}% |a hrex="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/%NOTIFYTOPIC%"|%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/%NOTIFYTOPIC%|/a| |/p|






%TMPL:DEF{MailNotifyBody}%From: %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% |%WIKIWEBMASTER%| To: %EMAILTO% Subject: %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% - %MAKETEXT{"Automated notification of topic changes"}% MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_=0i0k0i0w0tXuOi0E0A"

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_=0i0k0i0w0tXuOi0E0A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%CHARSET%; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

%MAKETEXT{"This is an automated e-mail from [_1]." args="%WIKITOOLNAME%"}%

%MAKETEXT{"New or changed topics in [_1], since [_2]:" args="%WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB%,%LASTDATE%"}%

%PLAIN_TEXT% %MAKETEXT{"Review recent changes in:"}% %SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/WebChanges

%MAKETEXT{"Subscribe / Unsubscribe in:"}% %SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/%NOTIFYTOPIC%

--=_=0i0k0i0w0tXuOi0E0A Content-Type: text/html; charset=%CHARSET% Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


--=_=0i0k0i0w0tXuOi0E0A-- %TMPL:END%