I am building (in PHP) a SOAP server that is configured by its WSDL to accept messages that look like this:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="https://my.awesome.namespace/">
<ns1:Message>Hello world.</ns1:Message>
I had no problem getting my SOAPServer to process Heartbeat messages - $server->addFunction("Heartbeat");
works fine. I want, however, to be able to process the contents of the <ns1:Header>
enclosure - so I can validate the API key and Site ID to make sure they are what they should be.
I looked here, (and of course elsewhere) but the responder seems to have missed the point of the question. Does anyone know how I can access the header element to validate? Do I add a function for Header the way I would a method in the body? ($server->addFunction("Header");
Thanks very much in advance.