I have a SQL Var @SumScore dec(9,4)
I am trying to assign the variable as follows:
SET @SumScore =
SELECT SUM(etjs.CalculatedScore * sc.PercentOfTotal) as CategoryScore
FROM tblEventTurnJudgeScores etjs
INNER JOIN tblJudgingCriteria jc ON jc.JudgingCriteriaID = etjs.JudgingCriteriaID
INNER JOIN tblScoringCategories sc ON jc.ScoringCategoryID = sc.ScoringCategoryID
GROUP BY jc.JudgingCriteriaID
As ComputedScore) AS SumTotalScore
In other words...the inner select is returning one column. I want the var to be assigned the SUM of all of the rows that are being return there.
I realize that this could be done with a temp table pretty easily. But is that the only way?
Thanks for your help.