I think the more accepted way to do this would be to provide a custom setter for the virtual attribute and then provide an after_create hook to set the value after the record is created.
The following code should do what you want.
class Virt < ActiveRecord::Base
def after_create()
self.virtual_attr = nil # Set it to anything just to invoke the setter
save # Saving will not invoke this callback again as the record exists
# Do NOT try this in after_save or you will get a Stack Overflow
def virtual_attr=(value)
write_attribute(:virtual_attr, "ID: #{self.id} #{value}")
Running this in the console shows the following
=> #<Virt id: nil, virtual_attr: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
>> v.save
=> true
>> v
=> #<Virt id: 8, virtual_attr: "ID: 8 ", created_at: "2009-12-23 09:25:17",
updated_at: "2009-12-23 09:25:17">
>> Virt.last
=> #<Virt id: 8, virtual_attr: "ID: 8 ", created_at: "2009-12-23 09:25:17",
updated_at: "2009-12-23 09:25:17">