



I have a table in which all the rows are formed using a loop and all data are formed using a inner loop. I have a onclick event for all the rows and the destination will differ, according to the row that is clicked. I want this onclick event for the entire row except the first TableData. How to use a javascript function that will disable the onclick event only for the first the first TableData?


You can do this with jsp as well. Here is how:

just before your loop put a counter variable and equalize it to 0. also before the loop put another variable called isfirst

now inside your loop, increment the counter var like counter++ after that run a condition like this:

if (counter == 1)
  isfirst = true;

Now where row is generated, put a condition that if it is first row, dont put the onclick event like this:

if (isfirst == true)
  // don't put onclick event for this row
  // put event for all other rows

NOTE: I don't know JSP, but you can mimic the code as shown above, thanks
