The fraction to decimal is quite straightforward and there are lots of solutions. I'd go with trimming the string, replacing spaces with '+', and anything other than space,/,. or digits with '' then running it through 'eval'.
The decimal to fraction is virtually impossible to do correctly - not least because your decimal fraction would probably have to be converted to binary first - at which point you loose a lot of precision. As an academic exercise.....If you can live with the difference between 20976/41953 and 1/2 then you could try a fuzzy match for a predefined number of fractions:
(there's probably a neater way of implementing the same algorithm - but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader).
function decimal_2_frac($inp_decimal)
static $fracs;
if (!is_array($fracs)) {
foreach ($fracs as $decimal=>$frac) {
if (abs($decimal-$inp_decimal)<$distance) {
if (abs($decimal-$inp_decimal)>$distance) {
return $int_part . ' ' . $candidate;
function init_fracs(&$fracs)
for ($x=2;$x<(5*DECIMAL_DIGITS);$x++) {
// there's probably a beter way to calculate the loop limit
for ($y=1; $y<$x; $y++) {
if (!array_key_exists($decimal,$fracs)) {
But personally, I'd just store the original representation in a seperate field in the database.